AMA/APA Reduction – Group Training Webinar
If you own a treatment center, halfway house, sober living house, detox, IOP, PHP or any other type of treatment you know having a client leave your facility can cost you thousands of dollars. We can help you train the staff to lower that rate and keep your clients where they belong…in treatment. This is a 5-hour online webinar for unlimited staff
- AMA/APA Block Training (5 hours live webinar)
- Ethics Course (6 hours, learn at your leisure)
- Manuals for course
- Exams
- Credential
- Bonus: Private FB Graduate Group
- Bonus: FB Networking Group
- Bonus: Job Board
- Bonus: Seals for social media, website, and marketing
- Bonus: Free 6-month online Directory Listing to get clients
- Bonus: Use of The Addictions Academy® logo AND Seal of Certifications
- Bonus: Eligibility to receive client referrals through The Addictions Academy
- Bonus: Discounted price for all courses and classes we offer.
- Bonus: Eligibility to join The Addictions Academy as an independent contractor
For $3500 you get an unlimited staff class online webinar, customized to your treatment center. If you want us live in person, call 1.800.706.0318 ext 2 for rates.
Please call 1.800.706.0318 ext 2 to schedule your unlimited staff course date.