This Advanced Intervention Certification and Training Program will cover Individual, Family and Business Interventions (C- Suite and Executives), on an in-depth level and we teach you tips and tricks to complete the interventions in 5-8 hours max from the time you step out of the car or off the plane (most of your work is done without ever leaving your home or office). This class will assist you in becoming an addiction intervention expert. The Exclusive RAAD model focuses on body language, client placement, meeting the client at their level and proper placement for continuum care. The 15 types of clients will be covered as well as Mock Interventions.
This package is a self-study video series, you can learn in your PJ’s in your own time.
- Certified Advanced Clinical Intervention Professional Video Series Course
- Case Management Training Self-Study Class
- Ethics Course
- 15 weeks of call-in/online Coaching Mentorship with a Master Interventionist to hone your skills
- All Manuals for courses
- All 3 Exams
- All 3 Credentials
- Bonus: Private FB Graduate Group
- Bonus: FB Networking Group
- Bonus: Job Board
- Bonus: Seals for social media, website, and marketing
- Bonus: Free 6 month online Directory Listing to get clients
- Bonus: Use of The Addictions Academy® logo AND Seal of Certifications
- Bonus: Use of NCACIP designation on all credential platforms
- Bonus: Eligibility to receive client referrals through The Addictions Academy
- Bonus: Discounted price for all courses and classes we offer.
- Bonus: Eligibility to join The Addictions Academy as an independent contractor